Case study

Bluestone Home Loans

Bluestone Home Loans provides flexible mortgage solutions designed for borrowers with diverse financial backgrounds, with a personalized approach to home financing that tailors the process to each client's unique needs.
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Bluestone began working with Satellite in late 2021 to build an offshore software development team that could augment their local Australian team and provide global time coverage, accelerating project deliveries and reducing downtime. This team was involved in business-critical functions, particularly around loan origination, servicing and management.

Key Challenges

Bluestone was facing challenging in recruiting top talent in their local market, largely due to the high costs. Further, due to larger technology companies recruiting their best team members, there was frequent turnover that Bluestone addressed by building a high-performing team with Satellite.

Difficulty Recruiting
High Local Costs
Frequent Turnover


Extended In-House Team

Satellite provided an 8-person dedicated software development team that became an instant extension of the work that was underway. We integrated within daily standups, reported directly to product owners and augmented the great work of existing staff.

Full Coverage of Tech Skillsets

The team was responsible for end-to-end development and included multiple roles (Management, Testing, Development, Design). Further, we hired only experienced team members that could operate with limited client oversight.

Shifted Hours & English Skills

Given the complexity of the systems and business logic, we prioritized team members with great English and that were able to work overlapping hours to the Bluestone team when needed. This reduced friction and was a key success factor.

Technical Stack

The Bluestone-Satellite team works with modern programming languages and tools, including React, TypeScript and Node.js for the majority of its platform code. Hosting is on AWS (serverless framework) and the primary database is DynamoDB.



Satellite successfully built a high-performing 7-person team that delivered business results across a variety of initiatives including loan origination, loan servicing and backend services that handled data integrations and complex analytics.


Software Engineers


Project Manager


QA Testers


UX/UI Designer

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