Case study

Dynasty AI

Dynasty is an AI-powered family office management platform that leverages Generative AI to help ultra-high net worth family offices standardize data, generate performance reports and better understand their financial position.


Dynasty partnered with Satellite in late 2020 when it was just an idea - a next-generation wealth management platform for UHNW individuals. This began a multi-year relationship that took the platform from concept to design to a full software platform. In addition to providing development services, we also worked alongside Dynasty leadership on key business initiatives.


Key Challenges

Dynasty was started by a high-net-worth family office that wanted to build proprietary internal software to solve their own unique issues, with the eventual goal of providing this software to other companies. However, they lacked an internal technology team and worked with Satellite to build one.

Lack Internal IT Staff
High U.S. Hiring Costs
Large Enterprise System


Fully Independent Project Team

Unlike some of Satellite’s work where we extend an existing team, for Dynasty we build a standalone team that took input from the customer but managed the end-to-end design, development, testing and deployment with low client oversight.

Product Management

Satellite augmented the core technical team with a part-time Product Manager with expert-level B2B SaaS knowledge. Their goal was to ensure that the platform worked for Dynasty short term - and others longer term.

Startup Intangibles

In addition to the software development, Satellite operated as a true business partner to Dynasty AI. This support included Satellite’s leadership team providing fundraising assistance and identifying the full-time U.S.-based CEO.

Technical Stack

The Satellite-Dynasty team works with modern programming languages and tools, including React, TypeScript and Node.js for the majority of its platform code. Hosting is on AWS and ProFund uses PostgreSQL as its primary database.

The team went above and beyond to meet key milestones and delivered work on time, being responsive via email and virtual meetings.
Joshua Jersey
Ben Letalik
CEO of Dynasty AI
Read Verified Review
Excellent 5 out of 5


Satellite successfully built a highly complex, custom application to track client wealth across public/private assets and entities (e.g. trusts, private corp, personal). The platform included:

AI Chatbot

Chatbot powered by Generative AI to answer the majority of common questions and reporting requirements an UHNW investor may have

AI Data Intake & Parsing

Generative AI data intake and smart parsing to eliminate a huge amount of custom business logic

Advanced Entity Logic

Significant business logic around taxation, trusts, entity structuring and much more

HNW Platform

End-to-end platform for platform admins and HNW individuals

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